It’s time to… 



So You Can Make Big Girl Money

While Getting Your Clients Ridiculously Good Results...

...WITHOUT working full-time hours or growing a soul-sucking agency. 

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Question for the digital marketer and advertiser struggling to keep up with the growing pile of client work and increasing financial demands of 2024  —

If you could work with fewer clients but take home more profit each month– so you can stop spending all your time onboarding new clients, get the clients you do have even better results, and show up fully for your family no matter what curveballs life throws you…

WITHOUT…growing a massive agency or offering more services than you already are…

Would you be ready to take proven, simple steps to grow your business so you can serve your clients AND your dreams–giving you more revenue, choices, & freedom?

Because The Truth Is...

The Agency Model Is Broken…

You start with the best intentions but then you hand off your client responsibilities to team members without proper oversight and you find yourself putting out fires, clients canceling contracts, and your reputation down the drain. Oh and let’s not forget your profit margins turn to 💩.

Getting Your Client’s Results Matters More Now Than Ever…

Clients have been burned left and right and are not so quick to turn over their precious ad dollars to just anyone. They want someone who is not just a button pusher but someone who can create, implement, and execute a money-making strategy.

There is more competition than ever before… 

But the good news… it’s super easy to rise to the top in your industry and niche if you are great at what you do. With so many bad marketers out there, the ones who actually deliver results, their reputation and name spread like wildflowers. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been running ads it’s about the results that you have delivered. 

As a Digital Marketing Strategist, You Can

Scale Your Revenue & Your Freedom.

But these days, all the “gurus” are pushing growing an agency to hit your goals or worse…

Play the lottery and work based on performance or profit sharing.

I bet you’ve even thought about doing one or both of these strategies before so you can

take on more clients and maybe hit your revenue goals BUT…

What they don’t tell you about those strategies is they are broken and will land you on a

service provider blacklist before it will help you scale your business.

So how the heck are you supposed to hit your goals?

Because right now every time you look at your calendar you’re hit with to-do lists that gives

you heart palpitations and a project plan that makes your brain short-circuit.

and it probably looks something like...

⚠️ Onboard new clients, send proposals, invoices, contracts, and schedule onboarding calls. 

⚠️ Learn the newest strategy that a client just decided to run with and figure out the funnel, ads, and copy, then set up a spider web of zaps to make them all talk to each other so your tracking is correct. 

⚠️ Post on social media, cross your fingers, and hope your next client slides into your DMs.

⚠️ Spend way too many hours each week creating detailed reports that your clients don’t even look at. 

⚠️ Hold 3 new discovery calls because you’re off-boarding 3 clients this month. 

⚠️Create 5 new ad copies and 20 new creatives.. 

⚠️ Hold 10 Zoom meetings with clients to go over next month’s strategy and reports. 

⚠️ Hire a team to bail you out when your tracking numbers aren’t exact, and you get a nasty email from Linda because she wants to know down to the exact lead how many people are coming from what traffic source.

⚠️ Track down Tom because his payment is 5 days late and he keeps telling you that he will pay it but hasn’t yet. 

Phew... even reading that list makes me start to sweat.

And,  even after all of that time & effort…That you pour into your clients you’re still not hitting your revenue goals and you sure as heck don’t have…

The flexibility you started your business for. 

You got into this business to get more freedom and money…

Not to be chained to your desk and laptop working 40+ hours per week and still not hitting six figures+ 

What if you could create maximum profit & client-raving results with minimum hair-tearing, late-night sob fests, panic attacks, and kids yelling at you to


And I’m not talking some bro, get-rich-quick soul-sucking agency B.S….

Because no matter how big you grow your business...

more clients = more problems.

BUT there is a way to...

✔️take on fewer clients and hit $20K+ months. 

✔️serve your existing clients at a premium level, and

✔️ create a business that frees up your nights and weekends and a crazy thought even allows you to take a vacation. 

Because the truth is…

After busting your booty to get where you are now.

After creating a business that serves your clients in such a life-changing way.

After dipping, diving, ducking, and dodging everything life throws at you

and still having a consistently successful service-based business…

You DESERVE to reap the rewards

I’m talking...

  • Monthly retainers of no less than $3000

  • Working only with clients that treat you like the A player you already are. 

  • Taking time for a real lunch break... 

  • Closing up that laptop at 4 p.m. and not touching it till the next workday...

  • Waking up to more discovery calls on your calendar than when you went to sleep... 

  • Looking at your end-of-the-year report seeing $250K+ in revenue with 60%+ juicy profit margins.

  • Never missing any of your kid's school or sports events that you wanted to be at. 

You deserve to wake up every day excited to sit down

to a business that is life-giving and FUN. 

Because if you’re not happy, what’s the point? 

And the most SIMPLE and stress-free path to that life...

is creating a more scalable service-based business that allows you to

step into your Strategist Era… 

AKA Taking On Less Clients And Making More. 

Because when you step into the role of a strategist, you’re able to: 

💰 Charge more because you’re no longer viewed as a doer you’re viewed as an expert. 

⚙️ Streamline your systems and operations so you don’t stay busy in the weeds but instead are focused on serving your clients at the highest level.

🔥 Focus on 6 clients instead of 16 all while bringing in more revenue

🧠 Become an Expert in your niche so clients come to you instead you chasing them. 

📈 Finally have real financial security & stability so that you can finally start checking off your bucket-list of all the things you want to experience in life. 

client love

From a $20K Year To Joining The Strategist Society and Buying Her First Home.

"I can't put into words how grateful I am that I took leap and invested in The Strategist Society. It feels so good to be supported and learn from someone as experienced as Brandi. You won't find a better mentor or coach! Strategist Society has been an absolute game-changer for my business and my life!"


From the Stressed-Out, 3-Day-Old Sweatpants Wearing, Showing Up On Zoom Smiling Like a Hostage Trying to Send a Message With Their Eyes, Service-Provider…

 To the CEO of a Premium Strategist Service-Based Business who has the mental and physical capacity to show up for work, home, & life responsibilities while still taking care of themselves.

Sound too good to be true? 

It’s not. I promise...


And I can help you grow your business to consistent $30K+ months without being chained to your laptop or overwhelmed AF. 

In 2018 I was a new business owner, a mom to a 5-month-old baby girl, had just filed for bankruptcy, and I was working around the clock to grow my business and be a good mom and wife. Some would call this rock bottom. 

I used to bring my laptop to bed with me every night because I was working at absolute max capacity. 

But something changed when I decided to go all in on offering ads. I went from the captain of the struggle bus…

to now… 

I scaled my online business to multi-seven figures and boasted a juicy profit margin of 52%+ 

And my life is basically unrecognizable—

And I’ve made it my mission to help more women step into the role of strategist, so they can make big girl money, get their clients ridiculously good results, and fix the broken ad agency model. 

Yes, really.

It's my obsession to help you scale your service-based business by hitting $250K+ years while working less than 25 hours per week and without growing a large agency. 

That’s exactly why I created The Strategist Society to work with people who want to deliver for their clients, create a great life for themselves, and want high-touch support, community, and guidance as they hit their next revenue milestone. 

And we’re not gonna overcomplicate things. 

We’re gonna keep business just how I like it: simple.

When I’m not nerding out over funnels and ads, you can find me at the closest taco stand, or hitting my next milestone on the Peloton, or strolling around Disney World with the fam. 

client love

"What Brandi is teaching is so valuable and it produces results so fast."

My favorite things that I've taken away have been how to simplify literally everything in my business because it doesn't have to be complicated and she teaches you that. And how to focus. Just by doing those two things, I've been able to cut back my workday, like nearly 50%...I'm actually booking clients and on contracts that are more than I was making in a month from multiple clients and it's just blowing my mind."

— Sarah (Launch Strategist)

The only mentorship and mastermind designed to help

Ad Managers, Funnel Builders, and Digital Marketers ...

become an Expert Strategist who makes big girl money,  gets clients ridiculously good results, and disrupts the bro agency model…

All while putting their life first.

How This Works...

Tell me a little about you — We only work with people we know we can help. We only work with service-based businesses that are in the digital marketing space. Think Ad Managers, Growth Consultants, Funnel Builders, and Copywriters. And we specialize in working with people who want to keep a small and lean team or no team.

Once you fill out the form, we will review and you'll be able to schedule a call. Then you'll do a 1:1 Revenue Roadmap Call With Brandi to see if you’re a good fit and to make sure we can help you hit your goals...

If we think we can support you and help you hit your goals this year we will offer you a spot to join us inside The Strategist Society. Then it is up to you if you join us inside or not. We only work with people who are committed to their personal and business growth.

client love

"The Community Is The Absolute Best"

I can honestly say NOW that I love what I do, I feel fulfilled in the work that I do. I love the success that I help bring to my clients businesses. It's just amazing.

The community that's part of the Strategist Society is the absolute best. I've made some really, really great friends within the group. It's been one of the most supportive groups I've ever been a part of. If I run into any difficulties with ads, if I need a question answered, I know that I can bring it to the group, and someone's going to be able to help me and support me, and it's truly one of the best parts of this program.

Being in The Strategist Society has taught me more in depth strategies that have really helped me serve my clients better. Though I already had confidence from going through Conversions For Clients, just being in Strategist Society took it to another level.

So if you're on the fence, just go ahead and do it. You will not regret it.


The Strategist Society™

isn’t your typical throw you in the deep end

and hope you swim type of experience…

We Support You With Three Power Levers…

High-Touch Support

Daily 1:1 support via Voxer access to Brandi – you can message her anytime and response time is approximately 24 hours or less during business hours...

And it doesn’t stop there… 

  • We will build your 90-revenue roadmap together as soon as you get onboarded so you know exactly what your next steps are. Completely customized for your business, no cookie-cutter approach here. 

  • Weekly Audits - get paid eyes on your website, onboarding process, packages, discovery calls, etc.


  • Weekly Accountability Forms - Let us know what you have been up to, what's working, where you need support and more. When you fill out your weekly tracker you'll have not only my eyes on your business but my teams so we can see all your blind spots even when you can't.

High-Touch Support

Hot Off The Press content

Hot Off The Press Content

The Strategist Society’s core purpose is to help you earn more while working less and in order to do that we focus on 3 main areas –

Client Attraction, Expert Knowledge, and Scalable Systems. 

Our trainings take all the overwhelm out of running a business because we break it down into simple, tangible, actionable steps that you can take and implement today. 

And we only focus on the things that will move your business forward while giving you more freedom in your life. 

We’re here to get you off the struggle bus going down the shiny object road and onto the path of profit and ease.

We’ll focus mostly on:

  • Strategies that are working now in the digital marketing space.

  • Funnel, online advertising, and digital marketing strategies.

  • Selling With Confidence and Ethics.

  • Behind the scenes of marketing campaigns and funnels

  • Systems, Automation, and Operations for YOUR business.

  • Client Attraction and retention strategies 

  • Strategy breakdown sessions

  • Offers, funnels, and ads oh my! 

Synergistic Connections

I always say “relationships over revenue” because I know when you build authentic relationships with other business owners expecting nothing in return the revenue will come. Because the rising tide lifts all boats. 

As the Society members always say “the true magic is in the community” which is exactly why I didn’t just create a 1:1 coaching offer but instead a place where you get the best of both worlds 1:1 and community. 

You’ll be able to ask questions, make friends, share ideas, and connect inside our exclusive private community.


client love

“Brandi has been invaluable to the success of my business..."

with scaling my 1:1 services. She is so intuitive in interpreting your questions in a way that really gets to the root of what is going to move you through your roadblock. Brandi has specifically helped me through turning my loose idea into something that I could really sell."


Whether you’ve got 3 clients or you have 13 clients...

The Strategist Society is

perfect for you if…

✅ You’re a 1:1 digital marketing service provider longing for consistent months, better client results, and more freedom to live your life. 

✅ You want the stability & security that come with high profit margins and low client turnover. 

✅ You’re ready to design a premium package that serves your clients at the highest level. 

✅ You want to stop taking on every inquiry that comes your way & work with ONLY your favorite, premium clients because you’re able to focus on quality over quantity.

✅ You want custom coaching and mentorship to help you step into the next era of your business. 

The Strategist Society is

NOT for you if…

❌ If you’re looking for overnight success and revenue. Business growth doesn’t happen overnight, I’m not about promising the moon, I’m about showing you what’s possible and creating a plan to get you there. I’m more of the under-promise over-deliver type. If you’re looking for a mentor who promises you 1 million dollars in 30 days, I’m not the coach for you. 

❌ You just want a hands-off checklist. This is a high-touch program taught by expert coaches. We’ll walk you through every step of your business journey. So if you just want a project plan to execute while flying solo, this probably isn’t the group for you.

❌ You want to grow a large soul-sucking agency. I’m not against agencies but I do see they are most effective when they are small and still have a pulse on their clients. So if you want guidance on growing a mega-agency that is more concerned with revenue over results this isn’t the community for you. 

client love

From Just Starting Out To Having A 100K Year In less than 12 Months.

What I like the best about Brandi, is that she is SO to the point! No fluff, no BS... honest, but very loving. Her answers are always clear, the strategy is simple and she shows me everything that works in her business and how she builds things in the the back end. She is not keeping secrets on what works and what doesn't. With her help I finished the year at $100.000! Without Brandi I probably would have given up, or at least didn't have the courage to scale up! I have learned so much from Brandi. Not only how to run my business, but also how to do it more efficiently.


If You’re Ready To…

Hit consistent $20K+ Months With Juicy 60%+ profit margins without having to hire a bunch of people or work 30+ Hours Per week. 

✅ Scale your online business using simple, proven systems so you can avoid overwhelm, skip the newbie mistakes, and scale like a pro. 

Grow your service-based business to 6 figures so you can have the financial freedom to work less and make more, book a weekend away with the fam, and spend more time doing the things you love with the people you adore.

Hit your first multi-six figure year in 12 months, even if:

You literally don’t have one extra minute in the day.

Believe me, I know that’s not just some excuse talking. 

Between running a business, serving your existing clients, and running a household it feels like the hours in the day are rapidly shrinking while the workload is piling up.

The number one thing that helped me to quit the late-night laptop burn-out and allowed me to step into the role of CEO for my business was SYSTEMS. 

Every area of my business has systems running like a well-oiled machine. From the client done-for-you services to evergreen courses, I’ve created a simple, straightforward system to do the heavy lifting for me. 

These systems do the job of multiple people while running in the background on autopilot and allowing me to take my hand off the wheel without the fear of the business taking a hard nose dive right into the ground.

Inside The Strategist Society™, I’m going to help you set up all of the systems you need to keep your business functioning at a high level and give you valuable time back to scale your business and spend time doing the (non-worky) things you love. 

You don’t feel “ready.”

While there’s no such thing as “ready,” there is such a thing as “too early.” And if you’ve never had a client in your service-based might be a little too early.

BUT you do not have to be an expert in your niche with hundreds of case studies under your belt to successfully get amazing results for your clients and scale your business fast... 

In The Strategist Society™, I’m going to help you create a Revenue Roadmap that will give you a step-by-step plan so you can hit your revenue goal in the next 90 days. And take that roadmap and do it again and again and again.  

The fear of failure is stronger than your fear of running out of toilet paper circa April 2020.

When it comes to stepping into your Strategist Era, fear is a real thing. But “failure” is not.

There’s no such thing as failing. Only doing, and testing, and tweaking, and doing again.

Inside The Strategist Society, you get to borrow our expertise and experience as you gain your own and grow big. 

We’ll bring everything we know about online marketing, Meta ads, and funnels to the table. With all of the resources, templates, coaches, certifications, support, and community you have at your’ll be nothing but 100% confident, ready, and excited to take on more premium clients. 

client love

"I'm able to balance work and life as a mom because of what Brandi teaches"

As a mom, it's hard to balance work and life. Be present and patient with your kids, yet confident and productive for work to bring in that much needed income. How do I do both? I'll tell you, with the business framework that Brandi is teaching. I signed up for Brandi's program, and it has been the springboard that my business has needed. I now offer high ticket ad services that help scale businesses to the next level. I have a community of supportive, like minded individuals, all working towards bettering our lives while making a meaningful impact. I can't recommend Brandi enough!


I want you to rise to the top of your niche and industry –

and I want you to create a life full of memories and choices too. 

that’s exactly why I created The Strategist Society. 


📢 High-Touch Support via Voxer, email, 1:1 coaching, group coaching, and more. 

🔥 Hot Off The Press Content - grow your expertise with real-life examples of what’s working right now in the digital marketing world,

simple-to-follow steps to streamline and automate your business, and never wonder how to land a client again. 

👯‍♀️ Connect With Real People Doing Real Good - for support, accountability, referrals, sounding board, and friendships.

You don’t have to do this business alone. There is a seat for all of us at the party.

This strategist Society™ is designed to...

help you make big girl money, get clients ridiculously good results,

and disrupt the bro agency model,

all while you create more freedom and flexibility in your life. 

client love

From Full Time Agency Work To Scaling Her Own Ad Management Business.

Before I joined, I actually already worked for a digital marketing agency running paid ads for several companies. So I was trying to figure out if I really needed to join Brandi's programs, because I already had the knowledge and the experience of running paid ads.

But I knew I wanted the shortcut when it came to specifically growing an ad management business. And I wanted to learn how to do so efficiently, because as a new mother to a five month old baby, my time was super, super limited.

Within a few weeks of joining, I made my investment back and I'm halfway to surpassing the income of my previous job. So having an as management business truly allows me the luxury of staying home with my little one and generating great income. So I highly, highly recommend learning from Brandi.



Copyright © 2024• Brandi Mowles • A Brandi And Company LLC Brand • All Rights Reserved • Lakewood Ranch FL

Submit Your application today!

Want to see some of my happy clients?

Aryeh Sheinbein

6 Figure Future Fund Launch Debrief

Renee Rhibar

Funnel Upper Relaunch of Sales Program